Final Assignment for Semester 2

Your final today is in a few parts. The links follow these directions:

First, read and annotate Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 65.” In the poem, the speaker discusses the nature of love, and how love endures (or not). As always, circle words, write out questions you have as a reader, and keep notes on the theme of love.

Second, read and annotate the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, an ancient Greek love story. As with the poem, circle words, write out your questions, and take notes on the theme of love.

Third, watch the short film, “Star Crossed.” It is a modern version of Romeo & Juliet set on an English beach. Again, take note of the questions you have as a viewer, and keep notes on the theme of love (you can write these notes on the last page of “Orpheus & Eurydice”).

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 65

“The Story of Orpheus & Eurydice”

“Star Crossed”: A Short Film (Won’t play? Try this mp4 version.)

After reading, watching, and annotating, write one-to-two paragraphs that answer the following question. Use evidence from TWO of the THREE sources above. Use everything we’ve studied about writing and paragraph structure to craft your response. Take time to pre-write and organize your ideas before drafting your response. If possible, leave time to proofread your response and to read your draft out loud, and make changes accordingly.

What do these texts teach a modern reader/viewer about love?

You should submit your annotations (both on the myth and poem) and your paragraph to canvas. The annotations should be submitted as a file (either notability pdf, or a picture of your paper and ink notes. The paragraph should be submitted as text, copied and pasted into the text submission box.

Questions? Mr. Easton will be in the classroom Zoom room during the final, should you have questions about how to submit your work.