Week 9 Syllabus: March 3

This week, we will continue working on Actor’s Notebook and start Act 4 of Romeo and Juliet.

MONDAY, March 3

  • Romeo and Juliet’s view of love. Act 1, Scene 5 close reading review.

  • Actor’s Notebook, P3, Storyboard of your scene.

  • H. W. Actor’s Notebook-P2(Interpretations)


  • Actor’s Notebook, P 5, 7, 9-Due at the end of class period.


  • Actor’s Notebook- Title Page/due at the end of the class period.

  • Fear- Write about the moments in your life when you were really frightened.

  • Read Juliet’s Soliloquy.

  • Who is responsible for Juliet’s “Death”?

  • HW: Storyboard 5.

Your Shakespearian Actor's Notebook

Read the scenes that Mr. Easton’s classes will perform this Spring.

The link above will take you to the scenes that scholars-turned-performers will study and stage for our class. There are also a few other handouts: here’s a link to an overview of the entire assignment.

3rd period scene assignments:

1.3: (Rose, Charlie, Elizabeth)

1.4: (Olivia, Violet, Michael)

3.1A: (Ana P., Julia M., Ellery, CJ)

3.1B: (Leander, Stephen, Jeevan)

3.5: (Isabel, Harper,  Eve, Harris)

4.3: (Lizzy K., Lia)

4.4-5:  (Ellen, Anais)

5.3: (Levi, Ryan, Kamran)

Week 8 Syllabus: February 24

THIS WEEK WE ARE STARTING ACT 3 and will also begin working on what will become our final project for the Shakespeare unit. In an Actor’s Notebook, scholars will keep notes on a specific scene from the play. While reading, you should be thinking about how YOU would perform each scene. What is the character’s motivation? Why do they say what they say, and do what they do? And how does that connect to the larger themes Shakespeare explores in the play?

MONDAY, February 24

  • Actor’s Notebook project introduction. The link to the assignment is here.

  • Start working on the project.

  • Read and complete the handout of Hatfield’s and McCoy’s.

  • Read Juliet’s Soliloquy as a class.

  • HW: Re-read and annotate Act 3, Scene 1.

  • Revisions to the Things Fall Apart essay are due no later than Thursday, in class.

WEDNESDAY, February 26

  • 1st period is working on the Actor’s Notebook project with Ms. D.

  • 3rd period is reviewing act three using audio for the play, along with the graphic novelization of the play.

    • One student should mirror his/her iPad to the right room projector, and play this audio file. (Turn your iPad volume all the way up; adjust the room audio down using the control panel next to the white boards)

    • ALL students should follow along using this graphic novel version of Act 3.

  • HW: If you have NOT met with Easton to review your TFA essay, do that. Revisions are due no later than Monday of next week.

THURSDAY, February 27

  • Continue working on the Actor’s Notebook.

  •  Cut your scene into three equal chunks and glue each chunk on the left-hand pages (p4, p6, p8).

  • Company report handout. Brainstorming before the Company Poster.

  • Start the Company Poster.

  • Fight scene comparison if time allows.

  • HW: Reading Act 4 and creating storyboards. If you have NOT revised and turned in your revision to the TFA paper, get that done this weekend.

Week 7 Syllabus: February 18

THIS WEEK WE ARE WRAPPING UP ACT 1 and starting on Act 2 of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. We will also begin working on what will become our final project for the Shakespeare unit. Scholars will perform selected scenes from the play. As you are reading the play, think about how YOU would perform each scene. What is the character’s motivation? Why do they say what they say, do what they do? And how does that connect to the larger themes that Shakespeare’s exploring?

TUESDAY, February 18

  • Collect storyboard two and hand out graded storyboard one.

  • Recap of the Prologue and Act 1.

  • Close reading of Romeo and Juliet’s first meeting.

  • 1st period will begin working on group activity/slideshow presentation.

  • 3rd period will begin working on their presentations, and groups began presenting.

  • Watch the balcony scene Zeffirelli version (if time allows). There is a separate post with the entire film, should students want to re-watch any scene.

  • HW: Students are meeting with Mr. Easton outside of class this week. Bring TWO printed copies of your essay (I will write on one, while you read from the other.) You will leave with a first-grade on the essay, and our revision notes.

  • Revisions are due TWO school days after our conference (excluding weekends).

  • The Monday, Feb. 24 homework deadline in canvas is for the CONFERENCE with Mr. E.

THURSDAY, February 20

  • 1st period will have time to meet in groups and create presentations based on themes of: marriage, fate, social roles of Elizabethan men, social roles of Elizabethan women, and medicine/herbs in Elizabethan society.

  • 1st period will present the groups work.

  • 3rd period will finish presentations.

  • 3rd period will also practice hallway-projection reading of II.ii.

  • HW: After meeting with Mr. Easton, revise your essay on Nnromolele’s analysis of Achebe’s TFA. Remember, a PRINTED copy is due two days after the conference.

  • Read act three and complete the six storyboards.

Week 6 Syllabus: February 10

WE ARE OFFICIALLY STARTING SHAKESPEARE this week. Last week, scholars read and annotated the following handout. We also began watching the Baz Lehrman 1997 version of Shakespeare’s tragedy, “Romeo + Juliet.” This week, scholars begin analyzing the play’s themes: Why does it seem that Romeo and Juliet are fated to meet and fall in love? What forces are at work to keep them apart? What is Shakespeare saying about the role that parents play in deciding their teenager’s fate?

MONDAY, February 10

  • Finish the film.

  • Collecting storyboards.

  • Prologue: practicing reading one word at a time, in circle, aloud. The goal here is to attempt to read it as a professional Shakespeare performer, but each person reading one word at a time.

  • HW: If you have NOT finished the storyboards, finish those and bring to class on Wednesday. Also, finish your Things Fall Apart revision. Scholars will sign up for individual conferences with Mr. Easton on Wednesday.

  • Remember to use the audio version while reading your script. That will help you make sense of the Elizabethan language in the play.

  • Also, as needed, you may also use the graphic novel version of the play. It contains the ENTIRE script in Shakespeare’s Elizabethan English, so nothing is lost there (except the notes, and your ability to annotate).

WEDNESDAY, February 12

  • XXX

Audio for Romeo & Juliet

Click on the image above to access audio for play. You should use these files while reading R&J. In your annotations, pay attention to the following themes: love & hate, fate & freedom of choice, and light & dark.

Week 5 Syllabus: February 3

SCHOLARS WILL CONTINUE REVISING THEIR FIRSTDRAFT/ ESSAY on Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart. Besides reading first drafts aloud in class on Monday, we will begin reading a chapter from Graff and Birkenstein’s guide, They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. We will read the chapter on writing literary analysis, and review some of their rhetorical templates on how to add your view of another scholar’s analysis of TFA. Having observed for a week, Ms. Devdariani will formally introduce herself and begin working on Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet this week. Scholars will read and annotate a handout on the play’s background, and begin planning a group presentation on that material.

MONDAY, February 3rd

  • Returning grades on last third of TFA/annotations.

  • Scholars will read their essays aloud to their peers in small groups.

  • We will also, briefly, review the importance of editing on paper.

  • Small group reading of “‘On Closer Examination’: Entering Conversations about Literature” by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, 3rd edition. e novel.

  • HW: Read the following handout of Shakespeare’s R&J by class on Wedensday.

WEDNESDAY, February 5

  • Providing Ms. D with feedback on your learning styles/about you.

  • Reviewing categories presented in the Shakespeare reading.

  • Watching (and taking notes on) Lehrman’s 1997 version of Romeo + Juliet.

  • Update on Graff/Birkenstein handout.

  • HW: Revise your first draft of the TFA essay, making changes based on your small group reading.

THURSDAY, February 6

  • Continuing the film, Romeo + Juliet.

  • While watching, keep notes on the catagories presented in the reading.

    • HW: Add approximately 1/2 page on analysis to yoru TFA paper, adding YOUR view of Nnoromele’s/Achebe’s view of the novel. Use the templates presented in “They Say/I Say” to add your analysis. This will be due WEDNESDAY OF NEXT WEEK.

  • Read act one in Romeo & Juliet. Use the audio files posted here on Squarespace. While reading, pay attention to the themes of love & hate, fate & freedom, light & dark.

  • Begin work on the six, Act 1 storyboards this weekend. We will spend some time, during class, to keep working on these, but plan on having these done no later than the start of class on Wednesday.

Week 3 Syllabus: January 20

RESEARCH REQUIRES THAT YOU READ AND WRITE about what others have written. It’s the MOST important step, and the one students ignore the most. Don’t you just want to just find your sources, read them, and write your paper? Of course you do. Everyone wants that. But that’s not how research works. First, you need to read a lot, discovering what others have said about the topic. Then, you write about the ideas THESE researches have. From there, you can begin to write about what YOU think, both about the topic AND what others have written. The “review of literature” step, wherein you read what others have written BEFORE writing what you think is a mistake many scholars make.

TUESDAY, January 21

  • Finishing our reading of Things Fall Apart.

  • Lecture on Chat GBT. Can it help us find answers? Can it help us find sources?

  • In small groups, reading our second text, this one recommended by Chat GBT: “4, Cultural Harmony 1: Igboland—the World of Man and the World of Sprits.” In your groups, keep notes on what we learn about the Igbo world view during the late 19th century..

  • HW: I will collect

Don’t forget, you will need this next week: ROMEO+JULIET-FOLGER LIBRARY ED.,UPDATED Author: SHAKESPEARE ISBN: 9781451621709. It’s $10 at the NT bookstore.

THURSDAY, January 23

  • We will start in small groups, sharing out results from last night’s reading.

  • Examining the next article, “6: Cultural Harmony III: Traditional Igbo Religion and Material Customs.”

  • As with the prior chapter, keep notes on what we learn about the Igbo world view (Okonkwo’s world).

  • Turning to a third reading, this one NOT recommended by Chat GBT, Nnoromele’s “The Plight of a Hero in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.”

  • HW: Finish reading the Nnoromele’s article. In class next week we will look at it more closely.

Week 2 Syllabus: January 13

This is the next book you will need for class, starting in two weeks: ROMEO+JULIET-FOLGER LIBRARY ED.,UPDATED Author: SHAKESPEARE ISBN: 9781451621709. It’s $10 at the NT bookstore.

OKONKWO IS A MAN OUT OF TIME, A MAN sworn to uphold the ideals, religion and culture of Umofia at a time when the Ibo people were confronted with white, European colonists bent on staking their human, material and cultural capital. Okonkwo chooses his own fate, when his family, people, culture and country has no choice but to either adapt or perish in the face of British colonialism. Is his choice the brave one? The right one? What does Achebe say about Okonkwo’s life, via the novel?

MONDAY, January 13

  • Review of English course choices for sophomore year (most will sign up for English 2, at the 3 level), including electives in publications/tv & radio)

  • Reading chapter 21 together.

  • Small group analysis of novel, Igbo and European religion comparisons.

  • HW: Read chapter 22, and when doing so, add notes to the comparison t-chart.

WEDNESDAY, January 14

  • Reading selections from a journal article by Diana Akers Rhodes, “Culture in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.

  • While reading, scholars will keep notes on Rhodes’s argument about religion within the novel.

    HW: Read chapter 23 of TFA for class on Thursday. You will want to add notes to the religion t-chart for tomorrow’s class.

Wonderful presentation of kola nut ceremony (modern). Watch this before class on Thursday.

THURSDAY, January 16

  • We will start in small groups, sharing out additional religion notes on religion presented in TFA.

  • HW: Finishing the novel for class on Tuesday. Remember, no school on Monday!

Semester 2, Week 1 Syllabus: January 6

WE WILL WRAP UP OUR READING OF THINGS Fall Apart in the first few weeks of quarter three, and then turn our attention to Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo & Juliet. First period will have a student teacher for part of this unit, Ms. Devdariani, who is finishing her masters degree at Phoenix University this Spring. (Sorry third period—you get boring, old Mr. Easton the entire quarter). I will be supervising her lessons, instruction, grading, etc. Fourth quarter we will begin a unit of study on mythology, reading the ancient Greek epic poem, Homer’s Odyssey. We are reading the Emily Wilson translation of that text.

MONDAY, January 6

  • Distributing final grades, and re-reading your paragraph on the short story, “The Lottery.”

  • HW: Listen to the audio for Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery.”

TUESDAY, January 7

  • Re-re-reading the story, searching for interpretaive moments that reveal theme.

  • Great books discussion, adding the roles of discussion leader, text leader, question leader.

  • Watching the Encyclopedia Britannica interpretation of the story.

    HW: Returning to TFA in class on Thursday.

THURSDAY, January 9

  • Reading chapter 18 together. Annotate for how Achebe portrays the Christian missionaries and the changing perception that Okonkwo has of his son, Nwoye.

  • First period will be in-class during 1A, but then heading down to DANCE DAY (in Cornog Auditorium) during 1B.

  • 3AB will be watching DANCE DAY during both A and B.

  • HW: Read chapters 19 and 20 in TFA.

Week 7 Syllabus: December 9

OKONKWO IS EXILED FOR THE ACCIDENTAL killing of a boy during Ezeudu’s funeral, his only option being to flee his village with his family, leaving all he had built up behind. How will Okonkwo respond to this tragedy which is so obviously beyond his control? In part two, we will see the arrival of European, Christian evangelists looking to convert the people of Umofia to Christianity. As you would predict, their arrival will not sit well with Okonkwo. And as we already know, English colonial rule will conquer the Yoruba speaking area and establish a colonial governor. Keep notes on how “things fall apart,” paying attention to the themes of power and individual responsibility (to one’s family, religion, rule of law, place of origin).

MONDAY, December 9

  • Today we’re looking into Achebe’s life and writing. We will start with a newspaper article, an obituary from 2013. Then we will watch an interview with Bill Moyers, keeping notes to answer the question, “What does Achebe hope that his reader gets from his novel(s)?”

  • Moving into chapter 12 and 13, ending part one.

  • Achebe ends part one with chapters that describe pivotal moments for Umofian society: the court system and justice, a wedding, a religious rite, and a funeral. Why do you suppose that Achebe includes these topics in the chapters prior to Okonkwo’s accident and expulsion from Ibo society?

  • We will read chapters 12 together.

  • HW: If you want to replace the “Chelkash” annotation grade, and submit your annotations to Binti to replace it, you should turn that in on Wednesday.

  • Read chapter 13 and 14 for class on Wednesday.

WEDNESDAY, December 11

  • I will review my annotations on chapters 13 and 14. Note, without irony, that Uchendu’s advice to Okonkwo about “[his] mother [being] there to protect you” is exactly what Ekwefi was doing, when following Ezinma and Chielo to the sacred Oracle of the Hills. That’s something that Okonkwo can’t reconcile, the earth goddess as ruler in life.

  • Reading chapter 15 in class together.

    HW: Read chapter 16 and 17 for class tomorrow (p. 143-153, only 10 pages!)

THURSDAY, December 12

  • Today, we will write a practice paragraph for the final, about Okonkwo. We are told he is born for greatness…does he achieve it? At this point in the novel, what do you think?

  • We will also get into round-robin groups and share some of your marginal notes in TFA.

  • I will also collect TFA to grade the annotations, up to and including chapter 17.

  • HW: Our final is Wednesday, Dec. 18 at 10 am. 1st period will meet in room B-311 with me. 3rd periods will meet in room xB-313 with Mr. Ortman.

Week 6 Syllabus: December 2

OKONKWO IS CONSUMED BY MASCULINITY AND PROVING himself as strong. He is not necessarily a bad man because he doesn’t understand the important role women play in Umofia, or that he’s impatient with cultural activities or stories he deems “unmanly” or feminine. But it is a short-coming in his character. The mythic stories that Nwoye’s mother tells him have cultural importance beyond what Okonkwo understands. That Nwoye prefers these tales over Okonkwo’s violent, bloody tales of conquest and war does not make him less of a person in Umofia, but Okonkwo does think less of him as a son. Thus, Okonkwo’s preference for Ikemefuna, his “adopted” son, and his daughter Ezinma by his second wife, Ekwefi, who seemingly acts more masculine that Nwoye.

MONDAY, December 2

  • Today we’re looking into the society in which Okonkwo lives, the seven villages of Umofia, and the culture of the Ibo people.

  • Short lecture on the similarities between American Thanksgiving and the Ibo Festival of the Yam.

  • In small groups, starting with a brief return to academia, working on crossword puzzles for 5 minutes.

  • Completing a new google sheet, this one analyzing chapter five for quotes revealing the nature of Ibo society (and starting to think about the role of women in Umofia.

  • HW: If I didn’t collect your crossword, finish it and turn it in on Wednesday. Read chapter six for homework.

WEDNESDAY, December 4

  • I will review my annotations on chapters five and six, pointing out Okonkwo’s fascination with masculinity and his short temper, especially in context of his daughter Ezinma, whom seems to be his favorite, despite being born female.

  • Notice, Cielo, as the Priestess of Agbala, also favors Ezinma. Some clear foreshadowing, here.

  • We will watch the contest for leadership in Marvel’s imaginary Wakanda, portrayed in Black Panther. Note the similarities with the wrestling contest in chapter six.

  • We will begin reading and annotating chapter seven.

    HW: Read chapter seven tonight for homework.

THURSDAY, December 5

  • Reading chapters eight, nine and ten in class today, and annotating with the thematic questions in mind.

  • HW: Read chapters 11 and 12 for class on Monday.

Nigeria: Journey of an African Colony

Click on the image above to access the film clip from the documentary.

This documentary provides an interesting counterpoint to our textbook’s view of the western imperialism that dominated Africa in the 19th century, and the ensuing independence movement in the later 20th century. Remember, Things Fall Apart is published in 1959.

Week 5 Syllabus: November 18

UNOKA DIES A POOR MAN, YET HE IS CULTURED nonetheless. He is a drunkard, yet he also is talented, and his musical abilities are appreciated in his village. Unoka is likewise lazy, but he knows how to greet his guest, offering him kola nut and welcoming him into his home. In contrast, Okonkwo has great physical prowess, but words fail him when he becomes angry. He is respected as a leader, yet he struggles to show affection to his children. It seems nobody is perfect according to Achebe…but because these men are flawed, does it follow that they are failures? Achebe notes in The Novelist as Teacher “that [Africa’s] past—with all its imperfections—was not one long night of savagery from which first Europeans acting on God’s behalf delivered them (Achebe 45). Where is there good in Unoka? And in Okonkwo?

MONDAY, November 18

  • Starting with review of the posted quotes and observations about Okonkwo.

  • In small groups, discussing the trends you see in Okonkwo. What conclusions do you draw about him? Then, discussing Umofia, and how their societal values are similar to and different from Okonkwo’s.

  • Watching part two of the Netflix documentary on the foundation of the Crown Colony of Nigeria.

  • HW: Read chapters 3 and 4 for class on Wednesday.

WEDNESDAY, November 20

  • Period 1 will review the documentary with the new, improved note sheet/questions.

  • Period 3 will read two selections from an AP history textbook about the colonialism in Africa, and the European partition of the African continent.

  • HW: Reading chapters three and four for class tomorrow.

THURSDAY, November 21

  • Reading an article on the Festival of the Yam.

  • Discussion of chapter three’s visit to the oracle, and the brotherhood of Nwoye and Ikemefuna in chapter four.

  • Period 1 will work on the two textbook articles that they missed yesterday.

  • Vocabulary Friday! We will have our first crossword from the novel, due by the end of period.

  • HW: Read chapters 5 and 6 for homework. Pre-read and post-review the annotation guide questions.