Week 8 Syllabus: February 24

This week, we are starting Act 3 and also begin working on what will become our final project for the Shakespeare unit. Scholars will perform selected scenes from the play. As you read the play, think about how YOU would perform each scene. What is the character’s motivation? Why do they say what they say and do what they do? And how does that connect to the larger themes that Shakespeare is exploring?

MONDAY, February 24

  • Actor’s Notebook project introduction. The link to the assignment is here.

  • Start working on the project.

  • Read and complete the handout of Hatfield’s and McCoy’s.

  • Read Juliet’s Soliloquy as a class.

  • HW: Re-read and annotate Act 3, Scene 1.

  • Revisions to the Things Fall Apart essay are due no later than Thursday, in class.

THIS WEEK WE ARE WRAPPING UP ACT 1 and starting on Act 2 of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. We will also begin working on what will become our final project for the Shakespeare unit. Scholars will perform selected scenes from the play. As you are reading the play, think about how YOU would perform each scene. What is the character’s motivation? Why do they say what they say, do what they do? And how does that connect to the larger themes that Shakespeare’s exploring?

WEDNESDAY, February 26

  • XXX

  • HW:

FRIDAY, February 28

  • XXX

  • HW: