Revision of "The Wrong Lunch Line" ¶

You have already submitted a draft of your paragraph on “The Wrong Lunch Line” into Canvas. Now, it is time to share a revision with the other students in my English 1 classes.

First, read your paragraph OUT LOUD, to yourself, in the hallway. To be effective, there must be volume. Just mouthing/lipping the words is not enough. Read it out loud. Doesn’t have to be super loud, but must be loud enough for others to hear. Besides, it’s good practice for oral presentations.

Second, when you read it, read is slowly. S-L-O-W-L-Y. At something like half-speed. This will help you find more mistakes.

Finally, once done, make corrections to your paragraph. It is likely that you will notice a word or two that’s missing. You might notice some punctuation or spelling mistakes. You may realize that you’ve left out your citation, or that you need more detail after-the-quote. Make whatever changes are necessary to improve your draft BEFORE posting it here.

And remember, when you post it here as a comment to this blog entry, use your first AND last name, along with your New Trier email address that begins and ends with You can leave the URL line completely blank.