Week 8 Syllabus: December 11-15 (Last week of Sem 1)
WHO ARE THE HELPERS & MENTORS THAT WILL AID Haroun’s journey? We will carefully re-re-read chapter five and six this week, and then carefully read chapter seven, looking for those who provide material help to him, and then those that merely provide advice. Sometimes, characters will do both. We will revise our “crossing the threshold” paragraphs as a way of studying for the final. Speaking of which, both periods 6 and 8 will take the final together in room C-224 on Tuesday, December 19 at noon. Don’t be late for the showdown at high noon!
TUESDAY, December 12
Independent reading.
Returning to the paragraphs written about Haroun’s crossing the threshold. I’m extending the timeline to finish this revision to THURSDAY so that everyone can get into the AAC to get another pair of expert-eyes on your revision.
Re-re-annotating chapter five and six. Where do you see the hero journey? Haroun has completed departure, and is into the second stage, “Initiation,” wherein he will face obstacles, get advice from mentors, obtain aid from helpers.
HW: Paragraphs are due by the start of class ON THURSDAY.
Make sure you have chapter six annotated BEFORE class tomorrow.
WEDNESAY, December 6
I am collecting and grading your annotations on Chapters 1-6 today. You will hand in, AND get your book back, in class today.
While grading, students will read independently and/or have writing conferences with Ms. Tamvakis.
We will begin reading chapter seven together.
HW: Finish reading and annotating chapter seven for the hero journey. Pay attention to …
FRIDAY, December 8
Independent reading.
Revising and then posting your paragraphs about Haroun crossing the threshold to Squarespace.
Lecture, reviewing stylistic issues and content problems with your paragraphs.
Reading chapter six in class.
HW: Read chapter six for homework for class on Tuesday.
Also, stop into the AAC and have a tutor review your body paragraph. Then, RESUBMIT a newly revised paragraph to Canvas, so I can issue a new grade.