Week 7 Syllabus: February 20

THERE ARE A NUMBER OF RESOURCES THAT WILL BE HELPFUL to you while reading Homer’s Odyssey. First, please remember to use the audio files while reading. Hearing the names while seeing them can help with memory and understanding; those files are here. Secondly, the University of Pennsylvania Classics Department keeps a useful site of pronunciation guides, maps, and timelines that can help you wrap your mind about what-happens-when and to-whom in the epic poem; their web resource is located here. Finally, I do have summaries of each book, and you can read these as both pre-reading and post-reading comprehension checks to your understanding; find that here.

TUESDAY, February 27

  • Starting with independent reading, SSR.

  • 5 minutes of studying for quiz on book 5, followed by the 16 question quiz.

  • After collecting homework, we will preview the book 6 homework.

  • Reading and annotating book six together, modeling annotation technique.

  • HW: Study book six, completing the homework for class tomorrow in preparation for the quiz.

WEDNESDAY, February 28

  • Before taking the quiz, we will review the resources available to you here, in class, elsewhere on the internet. USE THESE! They will help.

  • Quiz on book 6.

  • Watching some film clips of Chuck Noland (get it…NO LAND?), a man who becomes stranded on an island, who attempts to escape from it, just like Odysseus escapes from Ogygia island and Calypso.

  • HW: Read the summary of book seven online (audio summary is in Lombardo files), and then begin reading the first 8 pages of book eight.