Week 3 Syllabus: September 3

WE’RE COVERING THE BASICS OF ENGLISH. So far, we have reviewed the course expectations, read poetry aloud, annotated poetry, discussed and took notes using the Great Books method, written a paragraph, read-and-voted-upon the best three paragraphs, discussed how to improve our writing, and submitted a revision. This week, we will discuss independent reading, study a film as a text, and have individual conferences with Mr. E and Ms. C during class (to set writing goals for Q1). We will also begin re-reading the first 75 pages of Curious Incident.

WEDNESDAY: September 4

  • Lecture: Using New Trier Library’s catalog to find an independent reading book.

    • catalog searches

    • shelf-reading by theme

    • using other library search features

    • novelist plus

  • Starting a film, Life, Animated, a Disney documentary about a young man with autism. We will use this film to complete a “close-reading” study guide, thinking about film as text.

  • During the film, Mr. Easton and Ms. Craig will begin meeting with students to review your paragraphs, providing revision notes to help you improve them.

  • 2nd half of class, in LIBRARY getting your hands on an independent reading text. The rules:

    • It must be a printed book;

    • You many not have read it before;

    • It should contain one, consistent story/topic (in other words, long-ish, NOT episdoic)

  • HW: Begin re-reading the first 75 pages of Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, and working on the handouts.

FRIDAY, September 6

  • Starting with silent, sustained reading of independent books.

  • Watching the film, Life, Animated.

  • HW: Read the next 15 pages (15-30) of the summer reading, and completing the corresponding study guide questions. Also, if you haven’t finished reading “Voices in Autism,” handout, do so. While reading, you should annotate by: a) circling vocabulary questions, b) writing out questions that you have (as a reader), and c) keeping notes on what you learn about autism.