Week 5 Syllabus: September 16

WE HAVE FINALLY COVERED OUR CLASSROOM procedures, including Canvas, our web blog and syllabus, homework, materials, academic integrity, getting help outside of class. Remember, face-to-face questions are preferable over email. We will begin our short-story unit, starting with a unit on Sherlock Holmes. This week, we will also finish reviewing your first paragraphs, giving you feedback and setting some writing goals for your next writing task, which will be at the end of this week. Finally, if you have NOT finished the STAR reading assessment, you MUST complete that on Tuesday. Ms. Craig will pull those students out of independent reading.

TUESDAY: September 17

  • Independent reading for 20 minutes.

  • Who is Sherlock Holmes? Watching a short introductory video on who he is, why he’s popular: “The Many Faces of Sherlock Holmes.”

  • Reading a non-fiction article about a Sherlock Holmes collector, from the New York Times.

  • Moving into our first short story, the case of “The Five Orange Pips.”

  • HW: Read the first 2 pages of the story. We will use the audio in class tomorrow to re-read these pages. So only circle vocabulary tonight, for this reading.

WEDNESDAY, September 18

  • Students will be listening to, and annotating “The Five Orange Pips.;” the audio for the story is here.

  • HW: Read an additional 4 pages from the story. Remember to use the audio!

FRIDAY, September 20

  • First 20 minutes, independent reading.

  • Returning your annotations on the “Voices in Autism” reading, and discussing how to annotate (your written notes should reflect the reader’s dialogue with the text, about meaning).

  • Wordplay: using the crossword to build vocabulary (and help you better understand the reading).

  • HW: Finish reading Sherlock Holmes in “The Five Orange Pips.”

  • Spend 45 minutes working on the crossword provided in class.