Week 5 Syllabus: November 18

JAY REGUERO IS A TYPICAL HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR who is more concerned about hanging out with his friends, playing video games, and finalizing his college applications when suddenly, without warning, everything he believes about himself is called into question. He will undertake a hero journey and attempt to discover a) what happened to his cousin, b) who he is and c) what he believes. We have prepared for this bildungsroman by reviewing historical background (8 page, non-fiction handout) and by watching Geography Go! videos about the Philippines (four in total). This will be our final text prior to semester finals in December.

TUESDAY, November 19

  • Independent reading.

  • Review of resources for PSON (online annotation directions, audio for the novel).

  • Posting paragraphs on Bambara’s short story, “Raymond’s Run.”

  • After break, starting a close reading of and discussion of the dedication, the epigraph, the epilogue, and the first chapter of PSON. We will also watch a short—1.5 minute— introduction to the novel by the author.

  • HW: Read all the “Raymond’s Run” paragraphs on squarespace. Choose the BEST three, and be prepared to vote for those by the writer’s name in class on Friday. You may NOT vote for your own. You MAY vote for others not in your class.

WEDNESDAY, November 20

  • Meeting in the library.

  • The first 20 minutes, students should identify two additional books that they would like to read.

  • Once identified and posted on our google sheet, students will read for 20 minutes, independently in the library.

  • HW: Read chapters four and five, up through and including page 38. When reading, annotate for 1) the chapter title’s connection to theme, 2) juxtaposition, and 3) legal vs. right. Other themes within the novel include: truth, identity, violence, justice, travel, poverty/wealth, being invisible/unseen.

FRIDAY, November 22

  • First 20 minutes, independent reading.

  • Discussion of Jay’s dilemma: what does he mean when thinking “[i]t’s a sad thing when you map the borders of a friendship and find it’s a narrower country than expected”?

  • We will then vote for our three favorite paragraphs. Students will read these, and I will lecture on what to improve, how to make these already-good paragraphs even better.

  • HW: Read through and including page 59 for class on Tuesday.