Semester 2, Week 1 Syllabus: January 6

FOR THE FIRST FEW WEEKS OF SEMESTER TWO, we will finish reading The Patron Saints of Nothing. For this last third of the novel, you will be write about what’s happening WITHIN the novel, and how that INTERSECTS with your life experience. Remember to use this list of questions/tasks. We will also continue your independent reading. (The second oral presentation will combine what your did last time—an overview of the writer’s work/life, a summary of your book’s content and a review—and this time add a dramatic reading from the book, one that runs 1-2 minutes in length.) Finally, we will have a student teacher this quarter, and Ms. Devdariani will be leading our class through a reading/performance of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo & Juliet.

MONDAY, January 6

  • Starting to review your final paragraphs on the short story, “The Turtle.”

  • HW: Behind in PSON? You should have read up to and including page 189 for class on Wednesday.

WEDNESDAY, January 8

This is the book you will need starting in two weeks. You should buy the LARGER edition (costs approx. $10).

  • Silent, sustained reading.

  • Revising your paragraphs that you wrote for the final. That assignment is on Canvas…you need to do it as a google doc, highlighting/changing the color of text to reflect your changes.

  • PSON crossword #1!

  • HW: Reading the poem, “A Litany for Survival".” Remember our poetry rules: a) read it aloud; b) read it at least three times; c) annotate for what you notice (what leaps out at you—whatever the poet does)

FRIDAY, January 10

  • Today we will have silent, sustained reading, but an article about poverty in the Philippines. Here’s a link to that article.

  • Great books style discussion on the poem you read for homework.

  • HW: Returning to PSON, reading two chapters together and using the guided annotation questions. Read ““The Wide Eyes of the Lost” on p. 190-201 and “A Universe Where People Do Not Die for Doing What Is Right” on pages 202-216.