Syllabus for Week 7, February 18

WHEN READING LINES IN SHAKESPEARE, practice “projection,” aka speaking loudly to the point furthest away from you. This is NOT shouting. Rather, it’s a technique whereby professional performers merely “turn it up” so that everyone can hear them, even when whispering on stage.

Watch II.ii performed at the Globe Theater above.

WEDNESDAY, February 19

  • Collect storyboards on act two.

  • Silent reading.

  • We will watch the Globe Theater’s performance of the balcony scene, 2.ii

  • Practicing the same scene, switching roles in that scene with a performance-partner.

  • HW: Re-read 2.2, circling vocabulary words that confuse you. In class on Friday, you will write the MOST problematic words for you on the white-board.

  • Bring TWO copies of your Jay essay as well as your copy of Patron Saints of Nothing. Mr. Easton will be conducting writing conferences during class.

FRIDAY, February 21

  • Mr. Easton will work with students individually, looking at the PSON essay in the hallway during class today.

  • Write Shakespearean words on the board from Act 2, Scene 2.

  • Silent reading 20 minutes.

  • Vocabulary activity.

  • If not done, we will practice projection with Act 2, Scene 2, in hallway, the balcony scene.

  • The “Love Connection” handout, examining the play so far and the theme of love.

  • We will end class, the last 10 minutes, reading act three and starting storyboards.

  • HW: Reading act three, and completing storyboards for the act. Remember to add headings for the scenes, dialogue with the image, and a detailed written description below!