Syllabus for week of 11/27 - 12/1

LAST WEEK: We've been looking at Holden's inability to form authentic and meaningful relationships, especially with members of the opposite sex. We've seen him as the 3rd wheel with Lilian, a girl with romantic interests in his brother D.B.; we've seen him reflect on Jane, his "ideal girlfriend" and someone he has true affection for; we've seen him with the three Seattle girls whom he insults while asking them to dance; we've seen him cold-calling Faith Cavindish, an awkward ask of girl he has never met, less much dated; and of course we've seen his awkward flirting with Mrs. Morrow, Earnest's mother whom Holden meets on a train. What do we make of all these awkward forays into social relationships? What do you make of Holden, a young man who simultaneously seeks social relationships while criticizing the friendships he seeks?


  • We will pick up where we left off with chapter 13, wherein Holden hires a prostitute, Sunny. We will also listen to chapter 14, and see him fail to defend himself against the Pimp. 
  • HW:  Write your journal answer for chapters 13 and 14: If Holden is so interested in meaningful relationships with girls, why does he invite a prostitute to his hotel room?


  • In class discussion of chapters 13 and 14.  Why does Holden say one thing about girls, yet do/say another when he is actually with girls?
  • HW: Post your answer to yesterday's journal (13/14) as a comment to the blog post. Remember to use Chrome as a browser, and make sure you are signed into your NT Google account before you copy and paste your journal paragraph into the comment space (and remember to proofread BEFORE posting).


  • Question and answer with Mrs. Rabin. 
  • HW:  No homework.


  • Mid book check. What questions do you have about the reading so far?
  • HW: Post your answer to the chapter 13 and 14 question to our blog. Read everyone's response!


  • Reviewing chapters 15. We see Holden with two nuns. Here, he also talks about his affection  for his two favorite people from The Bible, Jesus and Legion. After reading this chapter, we will work in small groups and learn more about Legion, as depicted in the Bible. Why does Holden admire Legion? 
  • HW: Complete the journal worksheet for chapter 15, your journal entry question being: Why is it important that Holden's two favorite characters from the Bible are Jesus and Legion? (In other words, what do we learn about Holden by this?)