Syllabus for week of 9/11
LAST WEEK: We began by looking at a poem, "Antigonish," and students posted a paragraph of analysis on our class blog. We spent some time studying the language of When the Emperor Was Divine via a crossword.
- Nuts and bolts day. We will cover the academic integrity policy (cheating rules) as well as the course expectations (what I expect of students, what students can expect of me, the teacher).
- HW: No homework tonight, save making sure you have finished your reading in When the Emperor Was Divine (W.E.W.D.)
- The four freedoms. We will look at a flag that represents these freedoms, as well as read an article about what the freedoms are. We will begin discussing which freedoms (or lack thereof) are important in our novel.
- HW: The four freedoms are: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, and freedom from want. Of the main characters--father, mother, sister, and son--which freedom is the most important and why? Provide evidence for your responses via a diagram. The mind-map note sheet can be 8.5"x11", and one sided. It should be handwritten. Due tomorrow!
- Discussion. What do you think our author says about freedom to us, her audience? We will practice Great Books discussion format. Your notes from last night's homework will be useful for your discussion.
- HW: Revise last night's notes to include the notes from today's discussion. Your additions may add support to your original idea, develop that idea more specifically, or even add an alternative to the idea you develop. Regardless, I want you to ADD the discussion notes to your diagram of freedom notes.
- Writing day. What does Julie Otsuka say about freedom to her audience via the novel When the Emperor was Divine? These (longer) paragraph(s) will eventually be posted to our squarespace blog.
- HW: The aforementioned writing assignment is due Monday. Meeting in library tomorrow.
- In our library for orientation. This is a wonderful library, with great faculty and staff who are skilled at both de-stressing and providing assistance to New Trier students. Take careful note of what Mr. Stu shares with you today, and you will be rewarded.
- HW: Freedom writing assignment due Monday!