Syllabus for the week of 9/25-29
LAST WEEK: We've begun our unit on the short story, and began practicing annotation technique with Vonnegut's story, "The Lie." Besides completing an analysis and discussing the story, we reviewed literary terms for fiction.
- No class because of late start.
- HW: You should have read Roald Dahl's "The Landlady" by class tomorrow.
- Practice using a google spreadsheet for our analysis of the story "The Landlady." Tips: make sure you have the google sheets app downloaded to your ipad. Also, Make sure you have logged into your NT google account, and that you're accessing the email account you've shared with me.
- HW: Read the second story in our packet, "Pure Fiction." While reading, annotate by: a) circling vocabulary, b) writing your questions in the margins, and c) noting any part of the narrative that deals with morality.
- Our second story--and the second on involving death--raises questions about the afterlife and questions about the way technology effects our world view. What point is the author making about these topics, through the story? We will practice Great Books discussion method, and will complete: pre-writing, discussion notes, and post-writing for this discussion.
- HW: Read "Born of Man andWoman." Make sure to circle vocabulary and write questions.
- Discussion of "Born of Man and Woman." Like yesterday's discussion, we will have a GB style discussion on the story, and like Tuesday's class, we'll look for clues to meaning that we might otherwise have missed. Our essential question: What is a parent's obligation to his/her child?
- HW: Finish the crossword for homework.
- Twilight Zone episode, "It's a Good Life," in which another child--who seems outwardly normal--is as monstrous as the one in "Born of Man and Woman."
- HW: Read "A&P" for class on Monday. Remember to annotate!