Syllabus for 1/28 - 2/2

THIS SEMESTER IN ENGLISH: We began by reading the second part of John Lewis's story in graphic novel form, March 2. We will also read the novels Ellen Foster and The House on Mango Street. Finally, while reading an independent text, we will study and perform Shakespeare's Macbeth


  • Nuts and bolts day. Returning the final, lecturing on some common problems in the timed, in-class essay on the short story, "The Wrong Lunch Line."
  • HW: No homework tonight. 


  • Introducing our next text, March 2. We will watch together a Ted-Talk lecture by Michael Chaney, Associate Professor of English, on how to read graphic novels. Students will keep notes. Subsequently, we will read an article that provides more practical guidance and specific terms related to graphic novels. 
  • HW: Finish reading the article entitled, "How to Read a Graphic Novel or Comic Book" posted on the blog. 


  • First writing day. I will start by passing back your copies of The Catcher in the Rye. We will review the assignment and how to structure your body paragraphs. I will focus starting your body paragraphs with your IDEA about the plot. 
  • HW: Working on your comparative essay.


  • Writing day. in lab 377-N. Today, we will review some quote integration format, as well as cutting indefinite personal pronouns (this, that, they, some, many, people, thing, it).
  • HW: The aforementioned writing assignment is due Friday at the end of class. . Meeting in library tomorrow. 


  • Last day in 377-N writing the comparative essay. Today you should read your essay aloud: to another student, to yourself, or have another student read it to you. While doing that, you should stop and make final corrections. Once your final draft is done, printed and stapled, you should watch the selection from part one of the documentary, "Eyes on the Prize," linked on the blog. Start at minute 25!
  • HW: Finish watching the documentary for class on Monday. We will begin reading March 2 on Monday in class...make sure you have your own copy.