Syllabus for 3/12-16
WE SPENT SOME LIBRARY TIME researching individuals who are in some way connected to the American civil rights movement, both those historically pro and con. Students have researched four persons of interest, and have narrowed that list down to one individual. This week we will research more about that individual in these three areas: a) biography of entire life, b) reasons for becoming involved in CRM and activity during 1954-1968, and c) what lesson or role model their activity provides for modern American activists.
- Finishing the last 30 minutes of the documentary on John Lewis's life. If you have missed any of it, watch it tonight and add to your notes.
- HW: Review your notes and identify at least 5 figures involved in the Freedom Rides. Include in your list of names a brief description of that individual's background as well as their rationale for becoming involved in the Freedom Rides movement.
- Biography day. Focusing upon summarizing information in your own words. What resources are helpful, and how do you cite them indirectly? Working in class to research, write annotated notes, and to summarize your findings for a final report.
- HW: Finish your Noodle annotations on at least THREE biographic sources on your assigned individual. Write up your description of that person's life (approx. 250-300 words).
- What did your individual do during the CRM? Locating and writing annotations for at least THREE additional sources that describe your individual's activity and their involvement during the 1954-1968 civil rights movement. We will focus on either pivotal events or moments in your individual's life.
- HW: Finish your Noodle annotations on at least THREE CRM sources on your assigned individual. Write up your description of that person's life (approx. 250-300 words).
- Writing argument. Have read about your person's life and what they did during the CRM, what is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to know about their involvement, and what do you realize about being an informed and involved American as a result? We will start brainstorming ideas the third part of your paper, the LESSON aspect of your report. What lesson or model is your person's life experience for current American citizens? We will brainstorm a claim and at least two supporting reasons.
- HW: Begin outlining your claim, reasons, and evidence for this part of your paper/report.
- Completing a google sheet on this last part of your report. You will share your claim, supporting reasons, and explainatory evidence.
- HW: Come to class, in the Library, on Monday with a complete first draft of your report, approx. 750-900 words in length (3-4 pages long).