Syllabus for 5/21-25

BLOOD CRIES OUT for blood in Shakespeare's Macbeth. This week we will finish the introductory activities and begin performing selected scenes from the tragedy, counterpointed with listening to audio of the play, paired with a film version of the play. Remember, there's audio resources and a graphic novel of the play available here. 


  • Returning to the A&E Biography documentary of Shakespeare's life. I will collect the notes at the end of class. 
  • HW:  Bring your copies of the Folger edition of the play tomorrow. 


  • In the round, we will begin with a reading exercise, speaking some lines word for word, and then phrase by phrase. Subsequently, we will watch a short scene from a re-imagining of the play, and then will turn to the audio, reading through I.i-through I.iii.
  • HW: Read through the graphic novel version of act one, scenes one through three, tonight. 


  • Working with scenes four through seven in act one today. We will focus our attention on Lady Macbeth, especially her soliloquy in I.i.v.
  • HW: Finish the graphic novel version of Act 1 tonight. 


  • Performance day. Students will chose from a few scenes and practice performing an act one scene in class. 
  • HW: Read II.i and ii tonight. Use the audio to follow along, just as we have done in class. 


  • Watching a performance of the first two scenes in act two, and together we will read through the mayhem of scene three, the discovery of the king's assassination. We will finish class by acting out this scene. 
  • HW:  Finish reading through act two, using both the audio AND the graphic novel.