Week 3 syllabus: September 9 forward

ONCE WE ARE FINISHED with the writing assignments related to The Wizard of Earthsea, we are going to move into a unit of study relating to short stories. The first we’ll read is a story by Le Guin, “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.” From there, we will read copies of stories from a great short-story collection, Coming of Age in America. Typically, students purchase this book. If you have it, you’ll bring it. However, because the book is out-of-print, it isn’t easily available. I’ll provide copies of stories for any student who does not already have this text. (In other words—unless you already have it—do NOT order a copy).


  • We were off the syllabus last week, because I missed class for an English Department retreat (the teachers discussed race and identity, and teaching stories that contain difficult lessons relating to racism). We therefore started the Le Guin documentary a bit early. We will finish it today, and then move into small groups and begin revising body paragraphs about “Doors Opening”

  • HW: Revision of door paragraphs are due Wednesday. If you missed class on Friday, watch what you missed in the documentary tonight. Notes on the documentary will be due tomorrow in class.


  • Checking in documentary notes. We will then practice our discussion format, starting with a written response to a question, taking notes on discussion, and writing a response to a follow up question. After discussion, I’ll collect discussion notes, as well as the documentary notes.

  • HW: Finish revising the body paragraphs for class tomorrow.


  • Everyone will sign up for a NT related squarespace account. We’ll post your revision, and then begin reading through everyone’s paragraph.

  • HW: Read and annotate “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” for class tomorrow.


  • Listening to and discussing “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”: circle vocabulary, write your (thematic) questions, and keep notes on: What makes for a good society?

  • HW: Begin writing an answer to this question: Why do some walk away from Omelas? We will discuss this in class on Tuesday.


  • Vocabulary day! We will work a crossword on Le Guin’s novel.

  • HW: Spend NO MORE than an additional 1/2 hour working on the crossword. You should re-read and re-annote Omelas for class on Tuesday.

  • NEXT WEEK: We will Identify one sentence that deserves revision in your paragraph, specifically one that contains “to be” helping verb(s): is, am, are, was, were, have, has, had, should, could, would, be, being, been, do, doing, does. Copy and paste it as a comment to your paragraph revision. Then revise the sentence, posting the revision with at least one specific noun and one active verb.