Week 5 syllabus: September 23 on
ANNOTATION WILL BE THE FOCUS for our study this week. In small group, we will compare your written notes from “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” and “The Machine Stops” in small groups. Which words have you circled? What questions are written in the margins? What did you write in response to the question, “What makes for a good society?” We will compare notes in small groups. Also this week: initial grade reports.
Small group review of annotation notes. We will compare both “Omelas” and “Machine.” From there, we will have work on some questions for the Forester story.
HW: Finish the worksheet on “Machine.” Due tomorrow.
In class analysis of the “Doors” poem. This will be a second lecture day on the paragraphs identified by the class as the strongest examples.
HW: Revision of the poem paragraph is due Wednesday, to be posted as a comment to your own paragraph.
Reading assessment, via the STAR app on your ipads.
HW: Reading the short story, “The Neighborhood” by Mary Gordon. Circling words, writing questions, and answering the question, “What makes for a good neighborhood?” Due Tuesday, when we will be discussing the story.
Large group discussion of “Machine.” I will collect your annotations on this story once discussion is over.
HW: Begin revising the Ged as a good student essays tonight. Start by typing it exactly as you as you wrote it. Make sure you have access to an electronic copy of the essay for class tomorrow…we are using the classroom as a writing lab tomorrow.
Writing day. We will be revising the in-class essays on Ged being a good student, and applying some of the techniques we’ve discussed for the “Doors” poem. Both that paragraph and this essay will be in our writing portfolio, the second semester final for the course.
HW: No homework Rosh Hashanah holiday.