Week 6 syllabus: September 30 forward
ANNOTATION WILL BE THE FOCUS for our study this week. In small group, we will compare your written notes from “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” and “The Machine Stops” in small groups. Which words have you circled? What questions are written in the margins? What did you write in response to the question, “What makes for a good society?” We will compare notes in small groups. Also this week: initial grade reports.
No school for Rosh Hashanah holilday. No homework this weekend, except for the reading of “The Neighborhood,” which we will begin discussing on Monday.
HW: Finish reading the short story.
In class analysis small group character analysis of “The Neighborhood,” looking at the Lynches, the narrator, and the other neighbors. How are they similar in actions and beliefs? How are they dissimilar?
HW: Post your paragraph on “The Machine Stops” for class tomorrow. (The question: step outside of the story for a moment, and reflect on Forster’s intentions. What is he saying about humanity through this story? Write a one paragraph response, and include a direct quote in support of your answer. )
Reading through paragraphs, and selecting the ONE paragraph that is MOST similar to your own—in terms of style, in particular. Which writer shares the same structure? The same stylistic traits? Look for similarities, not differences, for this one. Choose that paragraph and make a comment with your name and period by the end of class.
HW: In preparation for class tomorrow night, show your parent our class blog and ask him/her/they to read your paragraph before class.
Back to school night. We will look at a couple of the paragraphs selected by students, and revise your own paragraph for those same issues.
HW: Begin reading “Chelkash” by Maxim Gorky.
Reading day. We will delve into last night’s short story. We will likewise watch a clip from Chaplin’s iconic film, Modern Times.
HW: Continue reading “Chelkash,” , reading and annotating pages. 80-93 for homework for class on Monday.