Week 18 syllabus: January 6 forward

YOU BEGIN YOUR INDEPENDENT reading in earnest this week. Remember, the primary grade for this project with be your marginal notes made while reading. These should include a) circling vocabulary words and language that reveal the author’s purpose; b) questions you have about the writer’s lesson for the reader; c) notes on the main character’s social conflict. For this last item, consider the following: What problem(s) does the main character(s) face in his/her/their world? What lesson does the author want the reader to learn about society via this story? Where does the author directly comment on the novel’s larger social lesson(s)? It's upon these notes that the grade for this project will be largely based.


  • Reviewing your notes on the shared google document that describes your three chosen novels. We will revisit the “reviews” aspect of that document, revising it to include what critics have said about the themes and lessons within the novel. We will then turn to some reading of the independent novel(s).

  • HW: Create a reading schedule for the next two weeks. Your target date for finishing the novel is January 20 (two weeks from today).


  • Starting today in the same reading circles we were in yesterday. We will start by checking period one AND two lists for other students who may have researched our novel. We will then use the library Proquest database to locate a longer, 300 word (or longer) review of our novel. Reading and analyzing that longer review for the novel’s themes, copying theme notes on inside cover of your novel.

  • HW: Reading independent novel.


  • In the library to begin reading and annotating your novel. Your marginal notes need to tackle the novel’s theme. Pay attention to the author as puppet-master. Where are the strings the author ties and pulls at, manipulating the story? Where does your author reveal the true message and lesson of her story? These are the passages you want to mark, and where you should explicate your thinking as a reader.

  • HW: Continuing your reading of independent novel.


  • I’ve created a new google speadsheet that students can use to summarize—in your own words—FOUR reviews of your independent novel. That spreadsheet has been shared with you via email. The first two reviews can come from Novellist Plus, while the remaining two should come from the Proquest database of magazines and newspapers. If there’s a particularly excellent sentence in the review about your novel’s theme, please quote it directly in your summary. Otherwise, the summary of what the review says about your novel’s theme should be IYOW.

  • HW: Continue to read your independent novel.


  • In the library for a second day of reading.

  • HW: Guess what? Read your independent novel.