Finny Paragraph


How does Finny confound social order? He both follows and defies Devon’s rules, walking the line between disrespect for teacher’s authority and embracing the school’s zeitgeist. How does Finny do both? In-class writing day. Your paragraph should be posted before Winter Break.

You should follow the standard organization for argumentative paragraphs: a) claim; b) sentence setting up quote; c) direct quote; d) your commentary. Remember that part D is at least half the paragraph. In your commentary, you not only explain your idea, you also include other examples from the text in your own words (I.Y.O.W.), explore counter-examples, develop the depth of your claim (topic, debatable thesis statement, whatever you want to call it). A few logistics:

  • Include in the first couple of sentences: Knowles’ novel A Separate Peace;

  • Include after “the quote the citation” (Knowles #).

  • Don’t write directly into Squarespace, because web sites crash. Write it elsewhere, then copy and paste it.

  • Use Phineas or Finny, and be consistent.

  • Avoid rhetorical language like, “One quote that illustrates this is…” or “An example of this is…” or “This quote shows that….”

  • Pay attention to verb usage. When possible, use active verbs, avoiding: is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been, do, doing, does, should, could, would.

Post your paragraph as a comment to this thread.