Week 3 Syllabus: September 2-5
WE WILL FINISH GOING OVER some of the administriva of learning at New Trier this week. We will practice annotating by re-reading chapter three of Haroun and the Sea of Stories, “The Dull Lake.” We will vote on, discuss, and then rewrite the paragraphs on the poem, “Doors Opening, Closing.” We will also write our second paragraph, this one about Haroun and the hero journey. We will also review course expectations and discuss “academic integrity,” a phrase here which means, “cheating.”
TUESDAY, September 3
Reading aloud a NYT article on the attack on Rushdie, practicing annotation technique:
Circle vocabulary words;
What questions does the writer pose or discuss in the article?
What does the article say about the importance of story-telling or censorship?
Watching the third interview with Rushdie, this one from last week’s 60 Minutes about the attack and his new book, Knife.
Practice annotating, this time from the summer. Students will listen to the audio from the novel (click here) while re-annotating chapter three of the novel. (Chapter three begins at 42:30 in the above track, and goes until 1:04:30)
When annotating, students should a) circle vocabulary words—not just words you don’t know, but also words that Rushdie is carefully choosing for a purpose; b) write our questions that you have, as a reader, about what you’re reading—preferably about theme, not plot; and c) what this chapter says about story-telling and censorship.
HW: Finish writing your paragraph at the end of the article for class on Tuesday. Remember, include at least one quote from the article, and at least one from the novel.
“Reading Assessment” questions on chapter 3: 1st period, these are due on Thursday. 3rd period, these are due on Friday (you will receive them in class, on Thursday).
THURSDAY, September 5
Starting class by reading through the “Academic Integrity” policy. We will review the student handbook and talk about cheating. After, students will sign off on the official, “I know where the policy is” form. We will also watch various film clips on the theme of “cheating.”
Listening to an NPR interview about Salman Rushdie, the author of our summer novel. That story is here.
Moving into Joseph Campbell’s hero journey, and thinking about how his stages of departure, initiation, and return apply to Haroun’s adventure.