Week 6 Syllabus: September26-29
DO MACHINES CONTROL US, OR DO WE CONTROL THEM? This week we will wrap up our study of Forster’s short story, “The Machine Stops” by writing about how we interact with technology. Does technology serve us and help us live better lives? Or does technology control our behavior and change us for the worse? Who is the master, and who is the servant? We will then transition to a new short story that examines an ethical dilema as humans struggle to survive,
TUESDAY, September 26
Finishing the selection from Modern Times, written, directed, and starring Charlie Chaplin.
Do we control machines, or do they control us? Using the various sources we’ve studied to complete a journal that connects all the dots.
Second half of class, reading, re-reading, and re-re-reading the introduction to the Maxim Gorky short story, “Chelkash".” Annotating for language that describes nature, objects, and people respectively, each reading.
HW: Complete the worksheet on the introduction to “Chelkash”
THURSDAY, September 28
Continuing our analysis of “Chelkash,” reading part one and writing a character analysis of the main character, the roguish thief and titular character.
HW: Complete the worksheets on the introduction and part one. Read part two and complete the worksheet on part two.