Week 9 Syllabus: October 14
“WITHIN HIM WAS RAGING A WHOLE MOB… of desires.” So describes Gorky, portraying the transformational greed that strikes Gabriel. What hold does greed have over us? How does greed transform both Gabriel and Chelkash—both of them? Why is Chelkash so offended by Gabriel’s request for all the money? Why does Gabriel strike out and nearly kill Chelkash? And in the end, why does Chelkash come to despise Gabriel, and yet gives everything to him in the end? Finally, what does Gorky want us to know about humanity, via the description of nature in the last paragraph?
MONDAY, October 14
Small group discussion groups, working on study guide questions on the introduction and part one of “Chelkash.” Answers do require direct quotes, punctuated appropriately.
Re-listening to the “blue sword” passage in part two, and writing an answer to the discussion question posted in Canvas.
Once done, we will listen to the ending of our story, part three, together in class.
HW: Write an answer to the “blue sword” discussion question on Canvas. By class on Wednesday, you should have a) finished the first eight study guide questions, b) finished posting your “blue sword” comment in Canvas, and c) finished reading AND annotating “Chelkash.”
WEDNESDAY, October 16
Crossword day! Bring on the vocabulary….
HW: Have 30 clues solved by class on Thursday. I am collecting annotations to “Chelkash” in class on Thursday.
THURSDAY, October 17
Guide to the parts of speech, online here.
Small group review of parts of speech. We will watch the following, short video about verbs.
Reading “Those Who Walk Away from Omelas.”
HW: re-read “Omelas,” picking out a) physical descriptions of the people, b) physical descriptions of the city, c) descriptions of their culture, and d) specific, concrete nouns or active verbs that LeGuin uses to create this imaginary world.