Week 3 Syllabus: November 6
WE’RE TRANSITIONING INTO OUR FIRST NOVEL, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. In order to prepare for the novel, we will read a science-fiction novella, “Binti” by Nigerian-American writer Nnedi Okorafor. It’s the bildungsroman (coming-of-age tale) of a young adult of the reclusive Himba people, traveling to university—on another planet! On the way, she must confront and overcome her fear of the majority Khoush people, who rarely interact with the Himba. How will Binti fare on her journey? While traveling, she will encounter the violent and frightening Meduse, a nightmare-like violent race, blood-thirsty and dangerous. How will Binti survive her journey?
WEDNESDAY, November 6
Crossword on the works of Ursula K. LeGuin. We will do these with partners, due by end of period.
HW: Make sure you have your copy of Achebe’s Things Fall Apart…we are starting our reading next week!
THURSDAY, November 7
Nnedi Okorafor was born in the United States to two Igbo immigrant parents; she holds a Ph.D. in English and is an associate professor of Creative Writing at University of Buffalo
Reading day. We will start reading “Binti,” a novella by an Nigerian-American writer. It tells the story of a Himba humanoid who travels to university—on another planet, Oomza. The Himba are reclusive, yet Binti goes forward on her hero journey. While traveling, she must engage the Khoush, the majority of humanoids who inhabit her home-planet and are biased against the Himba people. During her journey, we meet the horrific Meduse, a violent race engaged in war with the Khoush. Will Binti survive her journey?
While reading, annotate for information about the three core groups: the Himba, the Khoush, and the Meduse. How are they described? How do they act? What do they believe? How do these three groups interact? What argument is Okorafor making about cultural interactions?
HW: Finish reading and annotating “Binti” for class on Monday.
Have your copy of Chinua Acebe’s novel, Things Fall Apart, ISBN # 978-0385474542. I will introduce it Monday, after our discussion on the novella.