Week 3 Syllabus: November 6-10
UNDERSTANDING A NOVEL WRITTEN DURING the rise of Nigerian independence, about the start of colonialism, requires that we have some background about British colonialism on the African continent. Achebe's novel does not explicitly address the history of the Igbo people. But Okonkwo, a man clearly inspired to lead his village, will come to encounter the forces of imperialism. Toward this end, we will watch clips of a Netflix documentary on the birth of Nigerian nationalism. Before that, we will wrap up our unit on short-stories, writing a SHORT essay that develops a claim, reasons, and textual evidence.
MONDAY, November 6
Overview of parent/teacher conferences: What did they ask? What did I tell them?
Discussion of “The Kind of Light that Shines in Texas.”
Introduction to the Chinua Achebe and Things Fall Apart.
HW: Finish writing your claim, reasons, and evidence for a paper on one of the last three short stories we’ve read over the last three weeks. I have emailed you a link to that google spreadsheet to your NT email account.
Watching the first 25 minutes of the Nigeria documentary. Taking notes on larger trends/themes presented (i.e.: British slave trade starting in 15th century, the Guinea coin, diaspora).
Reading the first 10 pages of Things Fall Apart. Circle vocab, write out “I wonder” questions.
HW: Re-read pages 1-10. What does Achebe make clear about Igbo society via Okonkwo and his family's example? (Remember, the documentary provides the Euro-centric view of what's happening in colonial SW Africa, whereas the novel provides the Igbo perspective).
Thursday, November 9
Watching the end of part one, and the start of part two, of the Nigerian documentary.
What are the larger issues at work in respect to the British colonization of the Igbo people? 1) Exploitation of labor, 2) removal of wealth, 3) diminished national identity. Reviewing the Nigerian view of Christianity, commerce and civilization.
Starting small group work on study guides for chapters 1-3
HW: Read chapters 1-4 for homework. Pay attention to descriptions of Okonkwo, why he is considered great by the Igbo people and by his family.