Week 6 Syllabus: November 27-December 1

HOW ARE THINGS IN UMOFIA FALLING APART? And what is the connection between W.B. Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming” and Okonkwo? This week we will analyze the poem, study in more detail British imperialism in Africa, and read about Okonkowo’s world “falling apart” as white, European, Christian missionaries’ influence grows among the Ibo people.

MONDAY, November 27

  • Studying Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming” as a class, and in small groups.

  • HW: Read chapter 12 in TFA tonight. How is Okonkwo behaving as a father in this (and the last) chapter?

Wednesday, November 29

  • Close, group reading of a textbook selection on British imperialism and colonialism: “Building Overseas Empires” and “ The Partition of Africa.” Circle vocabulary and keep notes as indicated by the headings and sub-headings.

  • HW: Finish your notes on the textbook reading for class tomorrow.

Thursday, November 30

  • Lecture on Yeats’ poem, providing context for chapters 12 and 13.

  • Re-reading chapter 12 (wedding ceremony) and reading chapter 13 (funeral).

  • We will start chapter 14, Okonkwo’s punishment for the death of a young Umofian man.

  • HW: Finish chapter 14, and then read chapters 15 and 16 for class on Monday.