Week 9 Syllabus: End of 1st Quarter

W WILL FINISH OUR INTRODUCTORY UNIT ON SHORT stories by reading, annotating, discussing a series of “shorter” stories on the theme of the individual in conflict—with self, others, society. I will collect the work on each and grade these as a group homework / annotation / discussion assignment. After wrapping up “Those Who Walk Away From Omelas,” we will start and finish “Vaccine Season,” and then will read “The Paper Menagerie” over the weekend.

TUESDAY, October 17

  • Discussion of Le Guin’s “Those Who Walk Away From Omelas.”

  • Watching a film clip about Le Guin’s life and work, about her compassion for humanity and the theme of power and powerlessness.

  • After collecting your pre-discussion study guide questions, your discussion notes, and your annotations of Omelas, we will begin reading “Vaccine Season.”

  • HW: Finish reading “Vaccine Season.” For annotations—in addition to circling vocabulary, writing our the reader’s questions—keep notes on the difference between what is good, and what is bad. Audio for the story is below:

THURSDAY, October 19

  • Starting by reading, annotating, and discussing a poem about power. Then reading this essay bout the poem.

  • Small group worksheet on “Vaccine Season.”

  • In class discussion of the story. When done, students will hand in annotations, the Q&A worksheet from today’s class, and their discussion notes.

  • Time permitting, we will begin reading “Paper Menagerie.”

  • HW: Finish reading and annotating the story for class on Monday.