Syllabus for Week 10, 10/29
- Finishing our analysis of wilderness claims/paper proposals. Students should revise these based upon the in-class lecture and similarities with other student samples. Also, lecture on argumentative, body paragraph structure.
- HW: Revise your claim.
- Reviewing notes on body paragraph structure, and beginning to write two reasons and paragraphs that illustrate your claims, one that uses Thoreau's "Economy" for direct evidence, another that uses a written source from the wilderness packet.
- HW: Complete a draft of these for class on Friday.
- Parallel reading of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and practicing annotation technique.
- HW: Read up to the top of page 10, "I profess not to know how women's hearts are wooed and won," for class on Thursday.
- Watching the 1940s portrayal of the story.
- Finish reading and annotating the story for class tomorrow.
- In class analysis of the story. Today you will finish reading "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," and I will collect your annotations.
- HW: Two typed body paragraphs that support your claim are due on Monday. The next text that we will read is The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Bring it to class on Monday.