Syllabus for week of 8/26, Week 1
- Lecture on Mr. Easton’s experience with race in the South Suburbs of Chicago and distribution of course expectations.
- Finish reading The Color of Water. Find and memorize Langston Hughes’ poem “American Heartbreak”
- Recitation of poem by all students in class. Small group analysis of poetic devices in poem. Discussion of poem’s devices.
- Finish reading The Color of Water. Read article, “A Dream Unrealized for African-Americans in Chicago” for class this Thursday.
- Meeting in lab 224 for writing of in-class paragraph on the summer reading.
- Finish reading the article for class.
- New Trier's Mayor Emmanuel and race in Chicago. Class discussion: How does society create the conditions that allow racial divisions to persist?
- Homework questions on the article for class on Tuesday.
- Documentary on The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
- Short multiple choice quiz on the summer reading on Tuesday. Novel should be finished by everyone by then.