Syllabus for Week 4, 9/16


  • Analysis of documentary on Bob Crane, proprietor of R.C. Farms of Las Vegas, NV. How does he and his operation embody the American character? Notes in class, to be collected Thursday.
  • HW: Read and circle vocabulary words in O'Sullivan's "The Great Nation of Futurity"


  • In-class discussion of  yesterday's documentary: How does farmer Bob Crane embody the American character? 
  • HW: Re-read the O'Sullivan, this time adding questions you have about the essay.


  • In-class journal on students' encounters with nature. Lecture on the term "Manifest Destiny" and discussion of student-generated questions on the O'Sullivan selection. Breifly looking at Gast's painting "American Progress." 
  • HW: Examine the Gast painting: What do you notice? Finish the journal entry begun in class. Complete a third, final reading of O'Sullivan. While reading, think about these questions: 

    THIRD Period: 1)  What is the author's view of how America maintains equality? Where is the limit of human progress (in America)? 2) Why is America destined for "better deeds," why only America?  3) What is the religious background of the author? What is the role of providence (i.e.: how does it come to be, what role do humans play in accomplishing manifest destiny)? 4) To what extant is there "equality for all"? 5) What's the context of this selections...part of a book, speech, what? 6) What's the author's view of Native Americans?

    NINTH Period: 1. Why does the author suggest that we not look to the past, but to the future? 2.  What is the antebellum period? 3. How does the author use biblical allusion, e.g.: good will toward men? 4. Was religion such a motivating factor during mid-19th century America? 5. Why is the author so negative about European despotism? Why so anti-European, when most at this time, come from Europe? 6. He observes that we have successfully managed to refrain from entering into a does that happen? 7. What is the role of minorities and equal rights at this time, and is he saying that the American system is flawless?

  • Lecture on Turner's "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" (1893) and the purchase of Alaska in 1867.
  • HW: Read chapter 16 of Krakauer's Into the Wild, "The Alaska Interior." While reading, annotate for this question: What is Chris McCandless' view of nature?


  • No class for 3rd period. 
  • Watching selections from Herzog's excellent documentary, Grizzly Man. (3rd period will watch these scenes on Monday, when 9th does not have class)
  • HW for Tuesday: Read Laskin's "Death on the Prairies"