Syllabus for week of October 13
LAST WEEK we have read the second act of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, and watched the next hour of the Miller/Kazan documentary. We also watched a performance of Richard Wright's novel Native Son. Students who did not attend the field trip will need to take an objective test on the portion of the novel they read this Thursday or Friday.
- No school for Columbus Day.
- HW: The act one crossword is due tomorrow. If you are behind on the reading, tonight is your chance to catch up. Also tonight, if you haven't paid for your field trip, do so.
- Small group analysis of act one, followed by work on vocabulary/crossword.
- HW: Read the first part of this handout, pages 11-16 of pre-colonial folktales in this packet.
- No class for PSAT. If you didn't come on the field trip, use this time to prepare for the test on Native Son. If you did go on the field trip, use this time to review act two of The Crucible.
- Make certain the pre-colonial folktale reading is complete for class on Thursday.
- Quiz on act two. We will return to our reader's theater, this time working on "pauses"--or silence within the scene--and blocking--the physical movement within the scene.
- HW: Read pages 77-90, the first part of act three.
- Finishing the documentary. We will then turn our attention to act three and Danforth's need for airtight proof of devilry.
- HW: Finish reading act three. .