Syllabus, week of October 1
OUR NEXT UNIT OF STUDY will be on protest speech and conformity. We will study the Puritans and early American founding literature alongside Arthur Miller’s iconic play The Crucible. You will want to obtain the play by the start of next week. It is for sale in our bookstore, but you obtain a used copy for less just about anywhere. I will collect and grade annotations in your Wilderness packet in class on Tuesday, October 9.
Starting the documentary Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog. While watching, take notes: What do Americans think of nature and wilderness? What is/should be the relationship between Americans and nature? Day 1 of 3.
HW: Continue to read the essay, “Walking,” by H.D. Thoreau. You will want to finish reading it for class on Thursday.
Continuing with writing a claim for a paper on nature/environmental literature. What is the most important, least obvious idea about this literature? Based upon that, what does one come to recognize or realize about America? Subsequently, we will return to the documentary on Timothy Treadwell.
HW: Reading Walking,” by HDT. Revisit your claim before class tommorrow. Time permitting, we will get into research circles to share the working draft of claims.
Day 3 of 3 for Herzog documentary. If we have time, students will read claims aloud to peers in small groups.
HW: Finish “Walking.”
Discussion on Thoreau’s essay. What argument is he making? How does he see nature and man’s engagement in nature?
HW: Create an outline for your argument for the paper on environmental literature.
No class for fall break.
HW: Write an outline that details: a) your claim; b) your reasons; c) which sources you will use for example(s) and counter example(s) (i.e.: evidence).