Syllabus, week of October 15

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONFORMITY and loyalty? Which is more important: that you stay true to national ideals, or an individual’s right to express freely his disagreement with those ideals? We will examoine the Puritans and early American founding literature parallel to Arthur Miller’s iconic play The Crucible. both from the context of 1950s McCarthyism and the public’s desire for truth and need for certainty in a morally ambiguous world.


  • Collecting annotations. We will discuss the Walt Whitman poem in large group format, “Me Imperturbe” via a language model of analysis, i.e.: look up the words!

  • HW: Begin working on your draft of the Wilderness paper in earnest. First draft due one week from today.


  • 5th period meets in lab 377N for essay writing, and 6th period in the Library for essay writing.

  • HW: Make sure your American nature/wilderness paper has TWO sources in support of your claim, one VISUAL and one LITERARY. You will need two PRINTED copies of your essay for class tomorrow AND access to an electronic copy.


  • Both classes are meeting in lab 377N today for peer reading of papers. You will read your essay aloud to at least two others, who will check for claring errors and corrections, make changes, and re-print your essay.

  • HW: Work on your nature essay tonight.


  • Starting Arthur Miller’s The Crucible! I will also distribute a packet of material on witch hunts, protest speech, and the Puritans. We will read through introductory materials for the play, and then read item #9, the Alter article on The Witches.

  • HW: Read the Weales introduction, item #2 in your packet. Annotate for this question: What it the play about?


  • Today we will begin acting the play, running a read through in circles.

  • HW: First draft of nature paper due Monday!