Syllabus, week of February 25

WE ARE USING A CONTINUING WITH OUR FLIPPED CLASSROOM. For homework, over the next one and-one-half weeks, your homework is to finish reading and annotating your junior theme novel. Within class, we’re studying Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.


  • We will start today by examining the dual meaning in chapter 15, picking up with the cockroaches that we left on Friday. How is the banging on the pipes as a way of "waking up" the people of Harlem? Make a prediction: Will the iM become the race-leader that Mary encourages him to become? We will start chapter 16, examining the “Hooverville shanties” from the IM’s memory.

  • Reading your junior theme novel.


  • Listening to and analyzing chapter sixteen, the IM’s first, formal speech to the people of Harlem.

  • Reading your junior theme novel.


  • In chapter seventeen, the IM becomes the spokespearson for Harlem and meets Brother Tarp, who shares his symbol of enslavement: a Jim Crow era shackle from a chain-gang.

  • Reading your junior theme novel.


  • Meeting in the library. By the time you leave today, you should have five (5) sources on your novel in your noodle-tool bibliography.

  • Reading your junior theme novel.


  • Classes do not meet because of early dismissal day.

  • Reading your junior theme novel. When we return to IM, we will also meet Clifton and Ras the Exhorter, respectively a young, good looking leader from the Brotherhood and the West-Indes advocate of Pan-Africanism (and surrigate for Marcus Garvey).