Syllabus, week of April 1
PUSH COMES TO SHOVE IN INVISIBLE MAN. How is the IM’s funeral speech not only for the death of Tod, but also the death of hope for the Black American community? How is the shooting and murder of a young black man on the streets of 1940s Harlem any different from the gun violence the Black American community continues to face in 2010s’ America? From here, we’ll see the tension between black and white New Yorkers increase, and the chaos in America increase. What is Ellison’s argument about freedom and the roll of violence in social change? We will finish the novel in two weeks time.
Reporting out of Noodle Tool sources, the five articles about your novel and the paragraphs that you’ve written about them. If there are students in your research group who haven’t begun or shared their project, help them accomplish that. If your five sources aren’t sufficiently annotated, complete this task.
Finish writing the anntoated bibliography. Your Noodle page should have five sources on it, and each source should have one paragraph that critically examines the author, publisher, and the source itself.
Grade reports. Today I will pass out graded reports, and students will have the opportunity to hand in any assignments marked “NTI” (not turned in) this week. Breaking into our research groups and working on a) completing the paragraphs for your 5 sources on noodle tools; and b) writing a first draft of your essay.
First draft of the essay due in class tomorrow.
Reading your paper’s aloud do a different group of student.
HW: If you haven’t read it, read chapter 21. Tomorrow in class, we’ll work in small groups to analyze this and the chapter prior.
Small group analsysis of chapters 20 and 21. Your group notes are due by the end of the period.
Read the first ten pages of chapter 22. If you didn’t finish it in class, post your response to question #9 to the blog entry entitled, “Clifton’s Funeral.”
Today we will start a biography on Ellison.
Read ALL of chapter 22 for Monday. It’s a long one! A lot happens. So plan your reading for the weekend.