Syllabus, week of May 6
HOW IS CHOPIN’S NOVELLA ON MOTHERHOOD related to feminism? In what way is Edna Pontillier the American everywoman? Consider how she struggles with identity in relationship to the social expectations she faces: mother, wife, keeper of the home and hearth. We will continue examining the novella and other literary examples of feminist American literature. Speaking of which: did you lose The Awakening resource packet.? In case you misplace that, it'‘s also located here.
Reading chapter fourteen. We will then start on the first chapter of Friedan’s book. We may watch a selection from Makers: Women Who Make America.
HW: Finish reading document #8, from The Feminine Mystique.
HW: You can listen to today’s report here. Tonight, read the first two document from the Awakening resource packet. In case you lose that, it'‘s also located here.
Quiz on the connections between The Awakening and Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique. Subsequently, we will read chapters fifteen and sixteen together.
HW: Read chapters seventeen, eighteen and nineteen together.
Examining “The Truth About Beauty,” in the supplemental materials packet. What role does beauty have in American culture? How does that impact women’s identity?
HW: Read up through and including chapter twenty-two.
Reading “On the Equality of the Sexes,” as well as the Black Feminista’s blog post on the problem with no name. We will look at this biography of Judith Sargent Murray, and also look at this slide presentation on the 1913 Women's March on Washington. We will end class by looking at a modern interview about a British gender equality party, here.
HW: Read through and including chapters twenty-five.
Starting to examine the feminist American poetry included in our supplemental poetry packet.
HW: Read up to and including chapter thirty-two. We will finish Chopin’s novella by Wednesday of next week.