Syllabus, September 19

WILL NATURE SAVE YOUR LIFE, OR WILL IT KILL YOU?  Does wilderness provide spiritual salvation, or force us to a more primitive and violent state that is uncivilized? This week, as we approach the end of our unit, we will begin exploring the duality of Americans' conception of the wild.  


  • After gathering the pictures of wilderness in the drop folder, we're returning to the wilderness packet. We will look at the cover art to and a selection from the 1st edition of Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, and compare it to Woodie Gutherie's song "This Land is My Land" (as performed by Pete Seeger at President Obama's first inauguration. 
  • Read chapter 12 of ITW. You should drag and drop a copy of your photo renamed in this format: classperiod_lastname_firstinitial into the following drop folder: N:\DROP\English\Easton\American_lit_nature_images_2016 


  • We will begin today by finishing the reading on Hader's book cover for The Grapes of Wrath. Then in-class journaling about your personal view of nature, and what wilderness means to you. Then we'll transition into the next document in our wilderness packet, the Woody Guthrie song "This Land Is Your Land."
  • HW: Read chapter 13 and the first six pages of chapter 14 of ITW.


  • Reading and discussing documents 7 and 8 from the wilderness packet, the focus being on how early European settlers saw the American frontier.
  • HW: Finish reading chapter 14 tonight. 


  • Starting to examine the life of John Muir, the first president of The Sierra Club and them man responsible for our current national parks system. We will begin reading the 9th selection from the wilderness packet in class, but you should finish it as homework.
  • HW: Also read chapter 15.


  • Continuing with the Muir documentary. I will collect your notes when we are finished with it.
  • HW:  Both classes should read chapter 16 this weekend. 9th period should also watch the end of the Muir documentary (we left off at minute 54).