Syllabus, January 23 Semester Two
WELCOME TO SEMESTER TWO. We will start with a refresher on argumentative writing, thinking about how to approach a novel as an argument. In this way, you're not reading the novel for the story, but to find out what the author wants her audience to better understand. For example, Morrison's Beloved is ostensibly about Sethe's attempt to rebuild her life post-slavery. But what does Morrison want her 21st century, American audience to realize because of the story? We'll spend some time focused on junior theme this week.
- Review of all dates that we will be in the library, working on research. Starting the week by returning to the google docs, specifically writing about the novel's core question, the themes, and how these themes are expressed by the author.
- HW: Begin writing your responses on the google document. If you are NOT done with your novel, get there.
- Quick lecture on the importance of writing while researching, and why being more specific than less is particularly helpful.
- HW: Same as last night. This will be the last night that you have homework on this google sheet.
- What makes for an effective annotated bibliography? Reviewing the structure and expectations for Friday's work. Afterwards, we will return to Beloved, discussing the first chapter of part two (pages 199-135).
- HW: Read part two, chapter two, pages 236-241.
- Discussion of chapter two, and reading chapter three together.
- HW: read pages 242 through 256.
- In the library. In research teams, you will begin pulling together an annotated bibliography with ten sources (10), all of which are about your novel and its core theme(s), five of which require annotations.
- HW: Annotated bibliography is due Wednesday. This weekend, read up to and including page 270, or through part two, chapter six.