Syllabus, week of September 3
WE'LL CONTINUE TO ESTABLISH our classroom routines, this week setting a seating chart and also formalizing the way we participate in class-wide discussions and keep notes. Students will begin writing their first essay (on your personal contradictions) and will complete their first timed, in-class essay (on the summer reading). We will also start our first thematic unit on America's portrayal of wilderness/nature.
- No school for Labor Day.
- HW: Finishing the summer reading (if not already done).
- Creating our seating chart. Exploring the idea of duality in The Color of Water. After reviewing our google-sheet, we will discuss what McBride is saying about American identity via his novel. What does he want his audience to know and understand about America, through the story he tells? We will also practice our format of discussion note-taking.
- HW: Begin writing your duality essay. 2-3 pages long, double-spaced with 1" margins, 12 pt. font, title and headers. Due one week from today, Tuesday the 11th. Like McBride, your essay should combine narrative and expository styles to explain your dual American identity.
- In class assessment on the summer reading; all three-level English juniors are writing this timed essay today. It will not be graded ABCDF, but will be assigned a proficiency score as a baseline to measure growth in your writing.
- HW: Read silently, read aloud, and then re-read the poem "Flames" by Billy Collins. While reading, annotate: What do you notice in the poem? What leaps out at you? Keep marginal notes.
- Short discussion of the poem. What is Collins saying about nature? What does his portrayal of Smokey the Bear tell us about his view of American wilderness? Of Americans? As we did on Tuesday, we'll practice our Great Books style of discussion / note-taking. Time permitting, we will look at a turn-of-the-20th century poster created by the US Dept. of Forestry, using the "see-think-wonder" form of analysis.
- HW: Working on your personal duality essay.
- Meeting in computer lab 377-North to work on personal duality essay.
- HW: Personal American duality essay is due Tuesday.