Syllabus for week of September 29

LAST WEEK we completed our reading selections from The Hero with 1,000 Faces, as well as the film Star Wars. Students also shared and the class discussed the prompts to your college application essays, and a draft of that is due on Monday. 


  • Short quiz on "By the Waters of Babylon." Small group discussion of the story, using the annotated questions provided. How is the story a metaphor for understanding American political life? During your discussion, I will meet individually with students to review first drafts of college essays.  
  • HW: This week, you should read the overview of Hinduism provided in class (the guide to Hinduism is also located here.) Plan your reading throughout the week so that it is finished by class on Friday. 


  • Today we will start a documentary on Hinduism. During it, students should take notes on the questions provided. During the documentary, we will continue with the college essay meetings. We will also start reading the Ramayana.
  • HW: Reading the introduction to the Ramayana, pages vii (7) through xxviii (28).


  • Brief lecture on last night's reading in the Ramayana. Continuing with the documentary and college essay meetings. 
  • HW: Reading the prologue of the Ramayana, pages 3 through 6.


  • Brief lecture on last night's reading in the Ramayana. Continuing with the documentary and college essay meetings. 
  • HW: Reading part one of "Rama's Initiation" in the Ramayana, pages 7 through 11.


  • We will finish the documentary today. If you haven't met with me during class this week, you should plan on meeting with me today during a free period. 
  • HW: Finish reading part one of the Ramayana, pages 12 through 21.