Week 2 Syllabus, 8/31/2015

THE MOYERS/CAMPBELL INTERVIEW will be finished by week's end. Last week we began researching the monomyth as Campbell describes it, as well as doing some preliminary discussion on Santiago's hero journey.We


  • After reviewing the materials available on the personal/college essay post, we will continue working on the interview in class. 
  • HW: Post your college essay question to the blog by class on Wednesday.


  • Working on your Alchemist, hero-journey chart. Besides having definitions written for each stage, I would like to see a few examples from the novel illustrating each stage. We will work in small groups on this. Then, working individually, writing answers to your chosen, five questions from The Alchemist study guide. 
  • HW:  Writing answers to your five alchemist questions. 


  • Discussing the questions posted to our class blog on the college essay: Why you? Why us? And the creative question? What are these schools actually looking for?
  • HW:  Review and practice 5 of the brainstorming activities listed on our blog. You should have these completed in your notebook by class on Monday.


  • Looking at sample essays from our class blog. We will also listen to some of them. Remember: while example essays are useful in seeing what other students have done, your essay must be for you, about you, by you. So samples are only so helpful (and if they stifle your creativity or narrow what you hope to write, they can actually be harmful).
  • HW: Complete your notes for homework tonight. 


  • Actually watching an edited version of the Moyers/Campbell interview. 
  • HW:  Finish researching and developing responses to your five, selected questions on the study guide...typed, and due Tuesday.