Week 6 Syllabus, 9/28/15
HAVING FINISHED THE ALCHEMIST ESSAYS, we have moved on to The Ramayana. You will want to practice your pronunciations this week, using the interactive guide posted on our blog.
Today students will sign up for college essay conferences. These will last approx. 10-15 minutes. Please bring a printed, hard copy of your essay. We will read it together, I will provide revision feedback, and you should revise and turn in a new draft within one week. You will receive a grade based upon the revisions you turn in. We will also read The Frog King fairy tale, discussing how it relates to Dasarata keeping his promise to Bharata's mother, Kaikeya. Finishing class with a narrative-myth response on the topic of an unexpected outcome.
HW: Read chapter four for class today. It's approx. 12 pages long.
- How is Rama and Lakshmana's treatment of Soorpanaka just? How isn't it just? From our modern eyes, what problems does Rama's treatment of her raise?
- HW: Reading chapter five. It's 15 pages long.
- Discussion of Ravana's obsession with Sita. How is he like Rama? How not?
- HW: Read up to the top of page 100, in chapter six, "Tara."
- We will start class by finishing chapter six. Then, discussing the overthrow of Vali, the coronation of Sugreeva. Is Rama's actions here just? Howso, and how not?
- HW: Reading chapter seven, "When the Rains Cease."
- Discussion of Rama as hero so far. Why this pause in the action? What purpose does it serve? Why must Lakshmana pick up the gauntlet, carry on the search for Sita, if Rama is the central hero?
- HW: Reading chapters 8, 9, and 10. College essay revisions are due one week from our conference date.