October 24, Syllabus

WHAT TYPE OF WARRIOR IS RAMA? WHAT is his dharma? As we trace his wanderings through the wilderness, pay attention to what he does, but also to why he does it. Though he embodies perfection, he doesn't always act perfectly. Why follow the deer, for example? Why must Lakshmana build his shelter time and time again? What do these lapses mean, both in the context of the myth, but also to you personally? Annotate for what the myth teaches us about the Hindu society that produced this myth, but also where it intersects with your own experience. 


  • Writing, posting, and discussing questions for chapter three, "Two Promises." Once posted, the class will discuss the posted questions. 
  • HW: Read chapter six in The Ramayana, "Vali."


  • What is your point of entry for the myth? Discussion that which you've found interesting in the myth, and then 10 minutes of journaling about what stands-out. Students will report out points of entry to the class. 
  • HW: Write and type a "point of entry" journal. Which moment in The Ramayana so far has been the most interesting to you, and why? Due in class tomorrow.


  • Working on crossword for The Ramayana.
  • HW: Read chapter seven, "When the Rains Cease."


  • Reading day. We are going to start the second chapter of Campbell's work, The Hero with 1,000 Faces.
  • HW: Read chapters eight through eleven. All of these four chapters a very short. Remember, you want to annotate for two ideas: What does this myth say about the culture that produced it, and where do you connect personally to the myth?


  • Discussion day. Why does Ravana kidnap Sita, and why doesn't he just free her? What does this myth mean from the perspective of the different players, including Rama, Hanuman, Sita, and Ravana? 
  • HW: Finish reading the book for Monday. We will begin watching a wonderful film on Monday, "Sita Sings the Blues," an animated intersection of the myth, modern life, and an American blues songstress. 