December 5, Syllabus
ACHILLES IS A HERO IN ABSENTIA. In this regard, the Iliad isn't the typical hero journey. For all of Achilles's greatness, he simply isn't there at the war, doing what he is best at: killing. What, then, is the lesson for us, mythologically speaking? Apart from what happens during the war, what lesson should we take with us about society during a time of war? We will be reading the epic poem now up to Winter Break.
· Turning to the council that takes place between Achilles and the Greeks. What compels them to seek a reconciliation? Why isn’t that likely to happen? What are the arguments between the council and Achilles? And what does that clarify a) how much the Greeks need Achilles to return and b) why his return isn’t likely? We will also listen to part of book 11.
· HW: Finish book 11 tonight for homework.
· Consider Agamemnon’s killing of Peisander, and how that connect to Zeus inspiring Hector into a meele/berserker killing spree. We see the death of Iphidamas, and how his brother Coon responds, and the wounding of Agamemnon. How does all this relate to the council of Achilles? After the slaughter that Diomedes, Odysseus, and Ajax ravage upon the Trojans, why does Homer describe Achilles speaking with Nestor? How, again, does that relate to the arguments of the council? How does all that impact Patroclus? We will listen to a small part of book 12.· HW: Finish reading book 12 tonight for homework.
· Listening to Book 13.
· HW: Finish 13 for homework.
· Finishing the documentary "Troy: Myths and Unsolved Mysteries"
· HW: No homework.
· Reading through "Battle Lines: A Slimmer, Faster Iliad."
· HW: Reading book 14. If you are behind please get caught up over this weekend!