September 6 Syllabus
WHAT MAKES US SEEK ADVENTURE? Why does the young man embark upon the sea? Why does the young woman refuse her suitors and defy her parent's social expectations? Why would any modern American sign-up for a one-way journey to Mars, as some have actually done? This week we explore Joseph Campbell's "hero journey" and analyze your selected narrative from Damascus Nights in that context.
- No school in celebration of Labor Day.
- HW: Your short, typed, analysis of the narrative from Damascus Nights is due tomorrow.
- Collecting essays, distributing "Refusal of the Call" and "Supernatural Aid." Taking notes on the first part of "The Hero with 1,000 Faces: the Hero Journey."
- HW: Read and take notes on "Refusal," due tomorrow. Read and take notes on "Supernatural," due Thursday.
- Refusal of the call. We will look at scenes from Finding Nemo and Harry Potter. Discussion, Q&A on last night's reading. We will also revisit the interview with Campbell on the hero journey.
- HW: Reading Campbell.
- Discussion of supernatural aid. Watching Yoda lift the x-wing fighter from the Degobah swamp and other clips. We will also look at "The Crossing of the First Threshold" and "The Belly of the Whale."
- HW: Reading "Crossing" tonight, and "Belly" over the weekend. Have your copy of The Alchemist for class tomorrow. You should have finished watching the Campbell documentary tonight or over the weekend. Here's a link to the entire second part.
- Introduction to Cohelo's The Alchemist. We will begin work on the college essay. I'll have lots of materials to distribute, and will give an overview of the process/product.
- HW: You are NOT reading The Alchemist over the weekend. Rather, I want you to read the following.