Syllabus for 11/13-22
LAST WEEK: Our discussion last week covered the first seven chapters of the Ramayana. This and next week, we will continue our reading of the modern, verse version of this ancient epic poem.
Discussing Rama's perfection in small groups. What qualities, actions or characteristics conribute to Rama's perfection? Which characters function to highlight this perfection, why do they perceive him as perfect? What evidence is there of his imperfection, and which characters function to reveal these flaws?
HW: Read chapter 7, "When the Rains Cease."
Adding to yesterday's notes. How does Rama exhibit his mortal frailty? How do Hanuman and Sugreeva take advantage of this? Who intervenes to save Rama, and what do we learn by this example? Is our picture of Rama improved by this imperfection, or ruined (or as is more likely, something inbetween)?
HW: Reading two short chapters, 8: "Memento from Rama" and 9: "Ravana in Council"
Crossword day. We will finish the first Ramayana crossword, and will start a few minutes of Sita Sings the Blues.
HW: Finish reading the book this weekend. I will collect annotations on Monday.
Thursday & Friday: No class for parent-teacher conferences
- Discussion of "Memento" and "In Council." Subsequently, we will work through 10: Across the Ocean"; and 11: "The Siege of Lanka." We will have some small group discussion.
- HW: If you haven't finished the book, do so! I will collect and grade books that are completed in class will get them back in class tomorrow.
- The ending of The Ramayana. We will look at an alternative ending to this work, and discuss: Is Rama's treatment of Sita justified and neccessary?
- HW: Review your annotations in The Ramayana looking for examples that would support an essay.
- Continuing with the film Sita Sings the Blues.
- HW: I am collecting a draft of your essay on Wednesday of next week Plan accordingly. You will likely want to spend some time reviewing your notes and outlining a rough draft of your paper.