Syllabus for 9/18-22

LAST WEEK: We discussed a working definition for "myth" and read a scholarly overview of some definitions. We began watching the Campbell-Moyers interview about the hero journey. In terms of the summer reading, we completed an in-class writing assignment about ONE of the journey's in Damascus Nights, and likewise reviewed some of the tragic, historic political background in Syria. 


  • Part two of the first Campbell-Moyers interview. As with Friday, today you want to simply absorb as much of what Campbell is saying about the hero journey as you can. We'll finish this today. The full interview is now linked to our class blog for further review. 
  • HW: Read two handouts about the college essay, "Writing a College Application Essay" dated 2012, and the "Tips" handout, also from that same time. 


  • An overview to the college essay process. I'll discuss how to set a time frame for yourself, brainstorming ideas, drafting an essay, and getting feedback for revision. Then, we will turn to Damascus Nights and begin a hero-journey chart for the chapter you wrote about last week. 
  • Hw: Finish writing your hero journey chart. Also, post a chosen college essay question on our class blog. Remember to delete any identifying college names, locations, or mascots, replacing these with a simple _______ .


  • Lecture and discussion: approaching the college essay question. We will review your actual college application essay prompts together. We will also begin brainstorming about ourselves with the first of several pre-writing activities for the college essay. 
  • HW: Bring your copy of The Alchemist to class. We will read this while working on the college essays over the next two weeks. 


  • Listening to the prologue and the start of part one together in class. Annotating for aphorisms, or mottos/credoes, throughout the chapter.
  • HW: Locate in print or electronic media an answer to these questions: 1. What's the story of Narcissus? 2. What is alchemy?


  • No class on Monday because of early-dismissal, late-start. Today we will return to brainstorming for the college essay. Afterwords, we will return to the Alchemist's tale, continuing to listen a bit to the tale together, and beginning to list our aphorisms. We will also look at some background/history on the "science" of alchemy, and also read the story of Narcissus. 
  • HW: You should have read part one of the Alchemist for class on Tuesday (up through page 50--it's a quick read!)