Syllabus for 2/12-16
WE HAVE REVIEWED TWO Greek terms: kleos (honor or glory, esp. kleos aphthiton, glory after death) and xxx. This week we will also review arete (excellence or bravery, esp. by action), metis (cunning, versitility), anagnorisis (moment of recognition, esp. at pivotal moment), time (pron. (tea-may)) honor or respect from peers, public recognition).
- Friday, part deux: documentary day. We will turn our attention to a documentary about the primary Olympian gods. While watching, I will conduct a quick book check, looking at student annotations.
- Why is Diomedes the ideal, ancient Greek hero? Write one, longer paragraph in support, quoting from both the documentary on Greek civilization AND the Iliad in support. Post your answer as a comment in the "Diomedes" blog entry. Due Wednesday.
- Discussion on books 3 and 4. What is Hector's criticism of Paris? What is Menelaus's plan? Why doesn't the plan work? What connections do we see to contemporary society? Is destruction inevitable.
- Read book 5 of the Iliad and write your analysis of Diomedes, due Wednesday.
- Reviewing your paragraphs online, reading and discussing that work. What skills haven't you mastered? We will have a specific and frank talk about that, developing a skill list for the remainder of second semester.
- Read book 6.
- We've seen the meeting between Galucus and Diomedes. How does this event bring new understanding to our analysis of Diomedes and the idyllic Greek hero?
- Read book 7.
- Documentary day. We will turn our attention to the archaeological digs at Troy.
- Reading books 8 and 9.